At age 18, studying in Boston, I frequented a mystical bookstore called Trident on Newbury Street. A slight whisper of a man floated by, handed me a book, and disappeared. That book changed my life. "The Soul of a Woman" sparked a new perspective on my power beyond my Baptist upbringing.

For over 20 years, I've been sharing messages in various forms, like glass vials, fostering intentional and personal connections before the era of social media. I believe we find what’s meant for us. How was your message meant for you?

Why BADSISTER? From the time I was little, I never understood why anyone wanted me to be anything other than myself. I was shy and somehow still defiant. That seed in me grew. I have two amazingly beautiful and soulful sisters. I was just lucky enough to end up being the bad one. I’ve simply twisted the concept: Be BAD for GOOD. Let me know how your inner rebel calls you to live more audaciously. I’d love to hear from you. I’m thrilled one of my messages found you.


K. Kyle Gill

Bad Since 1969